Light Board Policies & Materials

The Hingham Municipal Light Board has multiple responsibilities, including the creation of policies that guide how HMLP operates. If you are looking for a specific policy or meeting material, or have additional questions or comments, please reach out to

Click to download a PDF version of the posted Light Board policies. 

Promoting Municipal Solar Policy

On July 11, 2023, the Board approved a policy to make resources available to aid the Town of Hingham in developing solar arrays on municipal property, pursuant to the Town and HMLP’s goals.

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Carbon-Free Power Supply Policy

On June 1, 2022, HMLP adopted a roadmap for converting its power portfolio to 100% carbon-free energy as rapidly but as responsibly as possible. HMLP intends to revisit and reset this policy from time to time as conditions require.

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Click to download a PDF version of the posted Light Board materials.

CET Inclusive Utility Investment (IUI) Presentation

Ashley Muspratt, CEO and President of the Center for Ecotechnology, delivered a presentation to the HMLP Board for consideration on May 14, 2024. The presentation describes the Inclusive Utility Investment (IUI) program which would provide a financing mechanism to residential customers to go electric and achieve energy savings.

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2023 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

In 2023, HMLP conducted a Residential Customer Satisfaction Survey with GreatBlue Research to understand customer opinions on various topics, including rates, quality of service, renewable energy investments, energy efficiency programs, and rebates.

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2023 Cost of Service Study

In 2023, HMLP conducted a rate study with Utility Financial Solutions to review revenue requirements, the cost of service, and a rate adjustment plan. To listen to HMLP’s recorded rate study discussions or read the minutes, please see our Board meeting archive.

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Have Questions or Comments?

Email for general inquiries to the Board, information about Board meetings, or comments on HMLP policies.